Thursday, June 25, 2009

Inside The Manhole

My first night on this trip my phone somehow fell into this side drainage system on the curb! I made my peace with the lost of my blackberry but my boyfriend (my hero) suggested I contact the LA sanitation company and see what they can do! They were at my place in less than an hour and it took them less than 20 minutes to get the phone out. I was happy!

American Apparel Top and Skirt, Driving flats Ferragamo

1 comment:

  1. Hero??? Don't you mean one hunnert' percent pure Grade-A A** Hole, Freckles? Shoot, I can even stand THE DOC more than that guy.
    Anyway, in your desperation 'looks like you done buddied up with the Dharma Initiative with those guys' outfits...'ol Black Roger workman himself.. fraternizin' with the Others; hope we can trust you when you get back to camp...

